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Does Remote Work helps with Sustainability?

Over the past two years, hybrid and remote working have become normalised. The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform finds that remote working is likely to have a positive impact on the Irish economy and society.

According to the paper “An Evaluation of the Impacts of Remote Working”, published on missions savings made from reduced transport usage are likely to exceed any extra household emissions. The paper estimates that remote working has the potential to save 164,407 tonnes of CO2 a year, with an equivalent monetary saving of €7.6m.


Environmental Benefits

One potential benefit of remote working is the reduction of the need for commuting. This would reduce the transport carbon emissions which could help to achieve the emissions targets as set out in the Climate Action Plan (2021).

As well, remote work will reduce office emissions. The paper by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform found that, depending on people’s behaviour, one possible scenario could be:


Table I – Environmental impact (tonnes CO2) from remote work (2022-2026) by the DPER
Year20222023202420252026Full period

Reduced transport emissions


Increased household emissions


Reduced office emissions


Total environmental impact (tonnes)


Equivalent monetary benefit (€)











Another benefit of remote working when it comes to sustainability is the decreased use of office supplies. Remote working digitalizes the exchange of documents between coworkers or external partners, which means a mass reduction of paper use. As well it will increase your company’s productivity due to a better time management strategy.


For more information on Sustainability in the Workplace, click here.

Does Remote Work helps with Sustainability? was last modified: July 22nd, 2024 by Jenny Martin

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