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How to Select an Applicant Tracking System

As a business expands, so too does its need for talented people to take it to the next level of growth. It’s hard to spot talent from hundreds of applicants vying for positions without overwhelming your recruitment team.

This is where the need for good applicant management is essential.


How to Select an Applicant Tracking System

Save time sorting through applications in multiple channels & formats in an easy-to-use Applicant Tracking System dashboard. Never miss top talent again!

Finding an ATS online is simple. But what makes a good ATS and what should you be focused on when selecting a system? Here’s some advice on picking the right solution and vendor for your needs.


Choose an ATS that’s easy to use for both applicants and recruiters

Ask the online HR Software seller to walk you through the system and use of the dashboard. The less time spent on training HR personnel, the faster applicants can be processed and the new system implemented and integrated.


Onboarding is an important consideration when choosing an ATS

Make sure that the system can bridge the gap of communication between HR and other departments to allow for a more streamlined hiring process.


Get your solution from a reliable company

You don’t want to buy a service from a company that won’t be able to deliver in a few months’ time. Take time to study the company as well as the service offered. Make sure that the company has a history of good service and stability.


Ensure the system has a social interface

You should have access to a social interface to post and accept applications via social networking sites. Social channels increase your ROI and increase brand awareness. Company branding is no longer exclusive to marketing, but also to recruiting talented people.

How to Select an Applicant Tracking System was last modified: September 27th, 2023 by Crystel Rynne

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