
How to manage your employees and volunteers easily with HRLocker (NFPs)

How to manage your employees and volunteers in a compliant GDPR environment 

End to end hiring
How to use HRLocker to create jobs and roles and post them to social and various jobs boards. Easily interview and hire candidates inside HRLocker and ultimately onboard them.

GDPR Compliance
GDPR compliance is of the utmost importance. Let HRLocker put your mind at ease and show you how to stay compliant while using software in your HR functions.

Training and Certification Management
Learn how to use HRLocker to store and manage training and certification for your employees and volunteers. HRLocker will also automate and send all renewal notifications to the right people!

Hybrid Workers and Offsite workers
Have team members out on the field? Employees, that visit multiple sites? HRLocker enables you to easily manage all of your moving pieces in one centralised software.

Volunteer Management
While volunteers are not the same as employees, HRLocker enables you to manage both of their separate needs and requirements together. 

Background Checks and Garda Vetting
Learn how to automate the process of keeping vital documents up to date and even set reminders for your team to renew and upload new documentation.

Managing Time off In Lieu & work shift patterns
Often times this is so, so important for the nonprofit sector, HRLocker caters to allow you to set rules for TOIL and arrange shift patterns however you like for whoever you like.

How to manage your employees and volunteers easily with HRLocker (NFPs) was last modified: November 14th, 2024 by Nikki O Hagan

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